Why do Linux users hate Linux?

This provocative title is a parody of the title "Why can't programmers program?"


In the aforementioned article, it refers to a phenomenon where a growing number of computer science students can't code.

What do I mean by Linux users hating Linux? I mean:

Now, I'm not saying that you need to be a FOSS advocate or that you need to use Linux a certain way. People are free to use their operating system how they want to. It's more about the paradoxical nature of users flocking to Linux, yet clashing with the established culture and software conventions of the community at large. I've pointed out in past articles how the Linux subreddit is full of Windows refugees and so is rife about complaints about perceived deficiences in Linux or how Linux would be great if it would just port Windows software. Similarly, the Linux gaming subreddit often will take the side of hostile for profit companies that err on the side of proprietary software because Linux is simply a means to a end for them. Youtube is also full of inflammatory clickbait videos about "how the Linux desktop sucks" and "how Linux should be easier".

Some of these criticisms are valid, but for the most part, they aren't really in good faith. The constantly shifting goalposts and sense of entitlement that the Linux community should bow down to them does not really foster a good community or help create better software. Funnily enough, these same groups of people often self-congratulate themselves on being more computer savvy just because they use Linux and submit better bug reports. Anecdotally, I've seen the opposite, where bug reports are spammed with off topic comments and hostility towards maintainers.

Drew DeVault has written several articles (and I've echoed these sentiments independently) about developers that don't grok Linux and how they write and distribute software for Linux.



I recently tried to convince the developers of KeepassXC not to take over the Flatpak (which is already maintained by someone else on Flathub) and was summarily shut down.


And indeed, you see similar attitudes from other developers in the past (like that one guy who pestered NixOS to remove his package). Anecdotally, the quality of developer maintained packages are poor. They tend to only target a few distros (usually Debian based), don't follow package guidelines, are automatically generated by tools or are not actively maintained. However, since people are not listening, I think I'm done arguing. Let people do what they want i guess. C'est la vie.
